Real-time Sequence

Below you will find a project idea that can serve as a starting point if you want to get involved in ThirdEye development. Until we have set up a dedicated issue tracker for ThirdEye development we will used the Blog here to list future development ideas. Of course if you have another idea on how to contribute to ThirdEye please let us know through the Contact page or by a GitLab pull request.

In this blogpost we want to describe the idea to develop a real-time capable simulation sequence for ThirdEye. Focus should be the development of a simulation sequence that can run in a hard real-time capable java virtual machine with hardware in-the-loop. Theoretically the standard implementations of ThirdEye classes do not use any features that are forbidding the usage in a real-time environment. The main challenge is to make sure that the real-time sequence can cope with different simulator frequencies, scales with the number of models and does handle the persistence in a correct way.

Level: Intermediate

Links for further reading: